Building Your Senior Spokesmodel Program With Tosha Cole Photography
What made you decide to build a Spokesmodel Program?
“When I first decided to build a spokesmodel program I did it because I wanted to up my senior game! I wanted my experience to get out there as being the BEST in town! There is no better way to spread the word than to have other teens talking about it! That’s when I decided to put together a kick ass spokesmodel program!
Where did you start with creating your Spokesmodel Program?
Making sure to focus on having girls at different schools is the key! You are able to reach a wider social group and by having models in each school, you’re able to reach your target market and other seniors easily.
What keeps your Spokesmodel Program rockin’?
“Making their experience so awesome that they want to tell their friends about it! Using social media to market their images and really making them want to show off their images on social media keeps them AND their friends talking.
How do you keep your Seniors excited about your Spokesmodel Program?
“Giving them awesome perks, like cash & fun fashion shoots, for referrals.”
What is something new you decided to implement this year?
“This year I’ve pulled guys in to my program to market to them as well. It’s my first year with guys so I will see how it ups my program.
View more of Tosha’s work at @toshacolephoto on your favorite social media!