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the terrace club

Can you believe these two have been together 14 years!? Yep! Just little babies in high school! Now with their own little one, surrounded by friends and family, they got married in the beautiful Dripping Springs rolling hills at one of our favorite venues, the Terrace Club!

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Recent Sessions

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I know some guys roll their eyes at the thought of a photo session, but I promise it’s really not painful! In fact, I bet if you asked this senior, he’d even tell you he had a great time! Meet Arthur, an aspiring thespian, and member of my BMP Senior Crew. We really did have […]

Arthur | Senior Crew Spokesmodel | Encore High School

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It’s funny really-  you think going through high school that everything is the end of the world or in some cases, just the beginning. In that moment it feels like there won’t be an end to the sadness, happiness, thousands of tests you may or may not pass, school dances that you’re eagerly awaiting to be asked […]

Be Audacious. Be Impactful. Be Fearless